DEV Community

Alex Morton
Alex Morton

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Working through a Conscious Lull

Yesterday was one of those days where I just accepted that nothing was going to really get done. A bit of a weekday break of anything coding/technical-related.

Things on my mind today:

1) Working more on my Letters from Nelson idea-generating app - specifically the design and classList toggling I want to do on certain clicks.

I also had the idea of implementing the 'Add an idea' feature as a pop-up box that displays in an absolute position with the textarea and submit button there. I'll play around with that idea a bit.

2) Getting the next six weeks of Letters from Nelson newsletter planned out on a spreadsheet. I've been having such resistance with this, so I might as well get things done now so it's not all left up to reactivity and getting things out the door at the last minute.

This week (not necessarily today), I'd also like to move on to the next section of my JS course (after multiple run-throughs of the budget app section).

Progress - woooo!

This post was originally published on March 25, 2020 on my blog.

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