DEV Community

Alex Morton
Alex Morton

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The Power of Learning Over and Over Again

I'm always overjoyed when something that I've been working on mastering/learning for some time finally settles in with that ephemeral click.

Today I finished up the Basics section of my JavaScript course, and I'm very proud to say that I flew through it with soaring colors. I wish I could go back to my past self when she was just settling in to trying to figure out what JavaScript was, tap her on the shoulder, and let her know that everything was going to come full circle and click one of these days.

The secret is in putting in the effort day after day after day, even (and especially) when things aren't making sense. It takes learning something (like rock-solid JS foundations) over and over again before the concepts will seem familiar and - dare I say - enjoyable.

Proudest moments of the day:

  • Fully understanding the use of the this keyword in multiple exercises
  • Writing a solid, functional tip-calculating program from objects and methods

This post was originally published on February 3, 2020 on my blog

Top comments (2)

peterlunch profile image

I love that feeling too and agreed would love to tell my past self you'll get this with some hard work and effort. What resource are you using to learn basics of JavaSript?

alexlsalt profile image
Alex Morton

Yes! It just takes consistent, focused effort and then we see those results sooner or later :)

I've dabbled in basics of JS from a few different sources - I think when I first started, it was a Codecademy intensive and then now I'm working my way through this Udemy course with Jonas Schmedtmann: