DEV Community

Alex Morton
Alex Morton

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Off to a Late Start

Happy Tuesday! I've almost completely finished up my latest section of my JavaScript course, where we go over the updates of ES6 from ES5 with concepts like classes/subclasses, destructuring, the spread operator, rest and default parameters.

All such good stuff! I'm really excited to build another app with the course - the next one will be a recipe app, I think we may be incorporating APIs in this one, not sure though.

I'm getting a rather late start today since feeling a little under the weather this morning. Long story short, I watched The Pursuit of Happyness last night, and emotional hangovers are most definitely a thing.

I'm looking to put much of my focus today on submitting my application for my CodeLand talk and also finishing up my JS section by working on a coding challenge involving classes and subclasses. Let's get to it!

This post was originally published on March 31, 2020 on my blog.

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