DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you feel about changing naming terms?

alchermd profile image
John Alcher

I was trying to stop a process the other day and found out that Linux uses a very insensitively-named kill command. Oh, I was reading the man page for that command when I realized why is it man and not woman anyway? Can we find alternatives to blacklist and whitespace while we're at it?

This is ridiculous.

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas

Not to mention that a Linux process can become an orphan!

nbageek profile image
Patrick Minton

But nobody is doing any of that? At all? Why on earth are you using the slippery slope argument in a case where THERE IS NO SLOPE? master/slave has connotations that aren't in the same universe as any of these terms.

I don't understand where all this passion comes from. We all pass by pull requests every day that probably contain some questionable code, but whatever, it gets the job done, and we're busy, so we let it pass...but we want to die on the hill of protecting master/slave nomenclature because we are SO butthurt that there are some people that find the terms offensive?


alchermd profile image
John Alcher

Idk if slavery is in a different universe than murder, gender equality, and racial segregation, but hey you might be right.

And that's no passion on my part. Just annoyance that we enable these kind of behaviour.