DEV Community

Discussion on: Svelte for Sites, React for Apps

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Alain D'Ettorre

Taking this as a personal preference, I respect collegues who go into the wild with React but I've chosen to use Angular for most of my frontend work and despite some criticism it works very fine. The ugly: boilerplating everything, documentation somewhat lackluster in some cases (looking at you, router!), tends to be verbose, generally less packages online, quite big bundle without treeshaking, that damn "providedIn" key of @Injectable, no official packages for native devices, people confuse it with AngularJS, less "cool". The good: forced TypeScript, some inherent structure, any basic-to-intermediate need is covered by the core packages, easy to update to newer versions, creating libraries is easy. The exceptional: working with forms in Angular saves you a big deal of time, properly using Observables is just plain amazing especially with time-related stuff (debounce, throttole, sequentiality), schematics and CLI scaffolding do a good job.

As for Svelte, I believe it is a very cool library because it seems to shift the attention to doing the least possible and do it very well, especially at build-time. We'll see if it will disappear or not anytime soon.