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Discussion on: TypeScript Functional Decorators w/ usecases

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Akash Kava

At Web Atoms, we are using decorator as follow,

Bindable Property

   public value: any;

This turns member into property with getter/setter with ability to refresh the UI whenever it is set.

Dependency Injection

   public userService: UserService;

DI container automatically injects service for specified type.

Watch Decorator

   public get fullName() {
       return `${this.model.firstName} ${this.model.lastName}`;

Full name property automatically freshes the UI bound to this property when firstName or lastName changes.


   public get errorFirstName() {
       return this.model.firstName ? "" : "First name is required";

Validate decorator helps in setting up validation that updates UI automatically when property is changed.

AJAX Services

export default class TaskService extends BaseService {

    public getUser(): Promise<IUser>;

    public getTasks(
        @Query("search") search: string,
        // default value should be specified in
        // decorator and not in argument declaration
        @Query("status", "open") status?: string
    ): Promise<ITask[]>

    public getAttachments(
        @Path("id") id: number
    ): Promise<ITaskAttachment[]>;

    public createTask(@Body task: ITask): Promise<ITask>;

    public uploadAttachment(
        @Path("id") id: number,
        @Body att: IAttachment,
        cancelToken: CancelToken): Promise<void>;

Data Loading

This is a bit complex, it handles loading of data and canceling previous request automatically.

   @Load({ watch: true })
   public async loadData(ct: CancelToken) {
        const search =;
        this.list = await this.userService.loadUsers(search, ct);

So whenever search is updated, this method is called automatically and UI refreshes it, it discards (aborts) previous ongoing request.

For more information...

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Interesting implementations, Akash!