DEV Community

Ahmed Essam
Ahmed Essam

Posted on

Local Notifications in React native

Hello Everyone,

I've published my second React Native package on npm.

which is a native bridging for local notifications with scheduling working in foreground, background & App Killed states

i've dealt with:

  1. passing params from Javascript to native side (Kotlin & Swift)

  2. handing promises from Swift to Javascript to handle iOS sending notification authorization

  3. Used AlarmManager in kotlin and UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger in Swift to handle notification scheduling

Please Let Me Know, what do you think

You can find documentation on how to start using it on NPM/GitHub

NPM: react-native-local-notifier.

GitHub (With an Example): react-native-local-notifier.

Please don't hesitate to tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading :D

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