DEV Community

Anthony Eli Agbenu
Anthony Eli Agbenu

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The 5 most neglected skills of professionals

I initially wrote this post as “The 5 most neglected skills of web professionals”. I amended it as I thought it would be better if I expanded the scope. So I would try not to restrict this only to web developers, but also to other professional groups. This is really only from personal experience.

Hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoyed to write it, and a few of us can learn from it.

Being diplomatic

Although there are several soft skills, I believe being diplomatic is very important if not the most important. Don’t anger your boss, and common sense stuff like that. From my experience some workers are full of themselves ( that is their own ego ) and have an opinion on virtually everything. Sometimes it pays just to be quiet. Listen first and then act upon feedback. This is make more preferrable to acting first then thinking second.

Sticking to project time lines

Before coming into coding and especially before working in groups of other professionals I never once had to think about beating the deadline to a project. I hate working under pressure, although I can. What ‘good am I if I cannot? Yet still I would appreciate it better if professionals appreciated that skill much more. I mean it cannot hurt to be a little time conscious.

Growing your skillset

Some might raise eye brows but I think this is important. The skill of introducing new skills into every project is really needed. After all competition is fierce, why be comfortable with what you currently know. Aspire to be more. I certainly do, you should too.


I might be wrong here. But most of the workers I have met are not crazy about doing paper work. They just want to sit infront of their laptops and work. This is all wrong. Personally, I have realized the need to have a trail of paper on your work. It leads to a longer life span for your work which can only be good for you in the long run.


Sometimes it is difficult to come up with new ways to improve upon your work. And before you know it you have reverted to the old way of doing things. Be creative. Take a walk, research , just have a different outlook on life to bring out that unique product for your client and your workspace.

That’s all. I hope this post touched someone. Thanks again and keep learning.

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