DEV Community

Discussion on: Replacing master with main in Github

afrodevgirl profile image
Alexis Moody

I 100% agree with the people you quoted. This kind of naming change will do very little to quell the overwhelming racism in the US. I am also a single person within a community that has its own issues in regards to race and gender. So I am advocating for change in a space I have the ability to make that change.

In regards to the word master in all of it's various contexts...I view the tech industry's usage of it to be problematic simply because of the master/slave terminology. The term master in the tech industry does nothing to describe the technology it's used for. I mean really think about the words master and slave versus something like primary and replica. Master/slave tells me that the master database owns another slave database and forces it to work for them. That isn't what that relationship is so why are we using it? To be quite honest, if master branches existed and there was no usage of master/slave in the industry I would have less of a problem with it. But overall, its incongruous to assume all usages of the word master are inherently racist.

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

So I am advocating for change in a space I have the ability to make that change.

Excellent point. Advocate for any (and every) change that you can - big or small.

Master/slave tells me that the master database owns another slave database and forces it to work for them. That isn't what that relationship is so why are we using it?

I appreciate the clarification. And yeah, that makes total sense.

Best regards to you!