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Adeleye Jamiu
Adeleye Jamiu

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# Understanding Conditional Statements in javascript

Conditional statements are statements that check a specific condition(s) and perform a task based on the condition(s).

The article does the following:

  • Explain the if statement.
  • Explain if...else statement.
  • Explain comparison operators.
  • Explain logical operators.
  • Explain truthy and falsy.
  • Explain truthy and falsy assignment.
  • Explain ternary operators.
  • Explain else...if statements.
  • Explain the switch keyword.

If Statement

Often a task will be performed based on a condition. For example, If we’re tired, then we’ll rest. another example is If our laptop's battery level is below 10% then we want the laptop to hibernate.

This can also be performed in programming using an if statement:

const batteryLevel = 7;
if (batteryLevel <= 10) {
  console.log('I have to hibernate!');
// Prints: I have to hibernate!
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If the condition (batteryLevel <= 10) which means batteryLevel should be less than or equals to 10 evaluates to true, the code inside the curly braces {} will be executed and if the condition evaluates to false, the block won’t execute. Since our batteryLevel is 7 which is less than 10 then the block would run and I have to hibernate! will be logged.

If...Else Statements

Sometimes we would want to add another task in case our if statement evaluates to false, this is achieved by using adding the else statement to the if statement. This is referred to as an if...else statement.

const batteryLevel = 11;
if (batteryLevel <= 10) {
  console.log('I have to hibernate!');
} else {
  console.log('I don't have to hibernate at the moment!');

// Outputs: I don't have to hibernate at the moment!
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In the example above, the batteryLevel is 11 which is greater than 10 making the statement to be false therefore the else block will be executed.

Comparison Operators

Sometimes we would need to use different types of operators to compare values. These operators are referred to as comparison operators.

Below is a list of some handy comparison operators and their syntax:

  • Less than: <

  • Greater than: >

  • Less than or equal to: <=

  • Greater than or equal to: >=

  • Is equal to: ===

  • Is not equal to: !==

Comparison operators compare a value on the left with another value on the right. like below:

7 < 10; // Evaluates to true
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Logical Operators

There are also operators that work with boolean values(true or false) which are known as logical operators. These logical operators are used to add more sophisticated logic to our conditionals. There are three logical operators:

  • the and operator (&&)

  • the or operator (||)

  • the not operator, otherwise known as the bang operator (!)

The && operator is used to check that two things are true:

if (firstname === 'Adeleye' && lastname === 'Jamiu') {
  console.log('Adeleye Jamiu');
} else {
  console.log('Unauthorized user!');
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When using the && operator, both conditions must evaluate to true for the entire condition to evaluate to true and execute. Otherwise, if either condition is false, the && condition will evaluate to false and the else block will execute.

If we need to check for atleast one condition being true, we can use the || operator:

if (user === 'Adeleye' || user === 'Jamiu') {
  console.log('Authorized user!');
} else {
  console.log('Unauthorized user!');
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When using the || operator, only one of the conditions must evaluate to true for the overall statement to evaluate to true. In the code example above, if either user === 'Adeleye' or user === 'Jamiu' evaluates to true the if‘s condition will evaluate to true and its code block will execute. If the first condition in an || statement evaluates to true, the second condition won’t even be checked. Only if user === 'Adeleye' evaluates to false will user === 'Jamiu' be evaluated. The code in the else statement above will execute only if both comparisons evaluate to false.

The ! not operator reverses, or negates, the value of a boolean:

let exposed = true;
console.log(!exposed); // Prints false

let covered = false;
console.log(!covered); // Prints true
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From the above it can be seen that the ! operator will either take a true value and pass back false, or it will take a false value and pass back true.

Truthy and Falsy

Taking consideration how non-boolean data-types like strings or numbers are evaluated when checked inside a condition

In cases where we want to check if a variable exists and don't want it to equal a specific value, we can check if the variable has a value like below:

let foodFlask = 'not empty';

if (foodFlask) {
} else {
  console.log('Food flask is empty.');

// Prints: not empty
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The code block in the if statement will run because foodFlask has a truthy value. Although the value of foodFlask is not explicitly the value true, it evaluates to true because it has been assigned a non-falsy value, when used in a boolean or conditional context,

Below is a list of falsy values:

  • 0

  • Empty strings like "" or ''

  • null which represent when there is no value at all

  • undefined which represent when a declared variable lacks a value

  • NaN, or Not a Number

Here’s an example with numbers:

let score = 0;

if (score) {
  console.log('you won');
} else {
  console.log('You lose');

// Prints 'You lose!'
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The code block in the else statement will run as the condition evaluates to false because the value of the score is 0 and 0 is a falsy value.

Truthy and Falsy Assignment

Say I have a website and want to use a user’s username to make a personalized greeting. Sometimes, the user does not have an account, making the username variable falsy. The code below checks if username is defined and assigns a default string if it is not:

say we want to have a personalized greeting feature on our website, sometimes we have a user who is authenticated and sometimes we have a user who is not. We can use the code below to if a user's username is defined and assign it his/her name or assign them a default value if username is not defined

let assignedName;
if (username) {
  assignedName = username;
} else {
  assignedName = 'Guest';
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Combining the knowledge of logical operators a short-hand can be used for the code above. In a boolean condition, JavaScript assigns the truthy value to a variable if the || operator is used in the assignment:

let assignedName = username || 'Guest';
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Because || or statements check the left-hand condition first, the variable assignedName will be assigned the actual value of username if is truthy, and it will be assigned the value of 'Guest' if username is falsy. This concept is also referred to as short-circuit evaluation.

Ternary Operator

We can also use ternary operators, which is also a short-hand notation

Take a look at the if...else statement below:

let isHalfTime = true;

if (isHalfTime) {
  console.log('Take a break!');
} else {
  console.log('Keep Playing!');

// Prints: Take a break!
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We can use a ternary operator to perform the same functionality:

isHalfTime ? console.log('Take a break!') : console.log('Keep Playing!');
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In the example above:

  • The condition, isHalfTime, is provided before the ?.

  • Two expressions follow the ? and are separated by a colon :.

  • If the condition evaluates to true, the first expression executes.

  • If the condition evaluates to false, the second expression executes.

Like if...else statements, ternary operators can be used for conditions that evaluate to true or false.

Else If Statements

The else if statement can be added to the if...else which allows for more than two possible outcomes. We can add as many else if statements as we would like, to make more complex conditionals!

The else if statement always comes after the if statement and before the else statement. The else if statement also takes a condition.

let grade = 50;

if (grade >= 70) {
  console.log('You passed with a Distinction!');
} else if (grade >= 60 && <= 69) {
  console.log('You passed with an Excellent result!');
} else if (grade >= 50 && <= 59) {
  console.log('You passed with an Average result!');
} else if (grade >= 40 && <= 49) {
  console.log('You passed with a good result!');
} else {
  console.log('You Failed!');

// output: You passed with an Average result!
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if/else if/else statements are read from top to bottom, so the first condition that evaluates to true from the top to bottom is the block that gets executed.

The switch keyword

else if statements are a great tool if I need to check multiple conditions. In programming, we often find ourselves needing to check multiple values and handling each of them differently. For example:

let shirt = 'Long sleeves';

if (shirt === 'Short sleeves') {
  console.log('Short sleeves are $1.69');
} else if (shirt === 'Long sleeves') {
  console.log('Long sleeves are $3.25');
} else {
  console.log('Invalid shirt');

// Prints: Long sleeves are $3.25
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In the code above, we have a series of conditions checking for a value that matches a shirt variable. The code works fine, but imagine if I needed to check 100 different values! Having to write that many else if statements sound like a pain!

A switch statement provides an alternative syntax that is easier to read and write. A switch statement looks like below:

let shirt = 'Long sleeves';

switch (shirt) {
  case 'Short sleeves':
    console.log('Short sleeves are $1.69');
  case 'Long sleeves':
    console.log('Long sleeves are $3.25');
  case 'Medium sleeves':
    console.log('Medium sleeves are $2.29');
    console.log('Invalid shirt');

// Prints 'Long sleeves are $3.25'
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  • The switch keyword initiates the statement and is followed by ( ... ), which contains the value that each case will compare. In this case, it is shirt.

  • Inside the block, { ... }, there are multiple cases. The case keyword checks if the expression matches the specified value that comes after it. The value following the first case is 'Short sleeves'. If the value of shirt equaled 'Short sleeves', that case‘s console.log() would run.

  • The value of shirt is 'Long sleeves', so the second case runs— Long sleeves are $3.25 is logged to the console.

  • The break keyword tells the computer to exit the block and not execute any more code or check any other cases inside the code block.

Note: Without the break keyword at the end of each case, the program would execute the code for all matching cases and the default code as well. This behavior is different from if/else conditional statements that execute only one block of code.

  • At the end of each switch statement, there is a default statement. If none of the cases are true, then the code in the default statement will run.

For extra reading

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