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Discussion on: I'm Addy Osmani, Ask Me Anything!

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Addy Osmani • Edited

How can I get to this parallel universe..? :)

The other thing my wife and I are trying out is designing t-shirts for web devs over at (which has been a fun, very different change of pace).

I would otherwise probably be looking at how we can improve the developer experience for "embeddable" content. Over the next decade or two, the surfaces where we interact with the web could evolve. We could see more users looking for a quick way to consume a service via an Assistant-like interface (think style mark-up + constrained UIs), the screen in their car, an element in a WebVR scene etc. Will a browser always be the quickest path to completing an action? How can we keep that fast, and if not, make it easy enough for the web to have a seat at the table?

How do we go from building single-page apps backed by APIs to a world where our experiences can be embedded and consumed in contexts that might not always be a browser? I find this interesting. It may also be totally dumb.