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Intro to ES6 Classes

One of my favorite new features from ES6 is the new way of implementing classes. To understand the new way to instantiate classes you must first understand how constructors and prototypes work. This is because ES6 classes are syntactical sugar. You may be thinking: what exactly is syntactical sugar?

Well, Techopedia defines syntactical sugar as:

"a term for syntax changes in computer programming which make it easier for humans to code."

In other words, it makes our code easier to read and easier to understand.

Sounds good to me, sign me up for some candygrammar! Alt Text

Prototypes and constructors explained

So what's a prototype? Simply put, a prototype is an object that allows other objects to use shared properties. Most objects are instances of Object. That may sound confusing, so here is an example:

const student = {
name: 'A name',
lastName: 'A last name',
coder: true

console.log(student.valueOf()) // {name: 'A name', lastName: 'A last name', coder: true}
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Wait, how did we call a method of .valueOf if it doesn't exist on the student object? This is where prototype chains come into play. The browser will initially check to see if the student object has a method called valueOf available. If it doesn't it looks to the parent prototype and in this case it is the Object class. If Object did not have a valueOf method the console would print undefined

Well what about constructors?

A constructor is a function that creates an instance of a class

function User(name, email){ = name = email

const UserA = new User('Sally' '')
console.log(UserA) // User {name: 'Sally', email: ''}
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When a constructor is invoked:
  • an empty object is created
  • the created object is returned as the constructor's value implicitly, notice no return keyword being used.
  • The this keyword will refer to the newly created object.

If you are new to the concepts of inheritance, prototypes, and constructors and still find yourself confused after my examples above; I suggest using Udemy or coderwall to get better acquainted, since these two are crucial to understanding how ES6 classes work.

Okay enough about what's happening under the hood.

Here's why I think ES6 Classes are so great:

  1. The class keyword
    • The class keyword creates a new class with our name of choice. It's best practice to use a capital letter when declaring a class e.g.: class Student{}. I like this feature because it explicitly states that we are creating a new class. No guesswork, or second thought required.
  2. Static methods
    • MDN defines a static method as a method that is "called without instantiating their class and are also not callable when the class is instantiated. Static methods are often used to create utility functions for an application." In layman's terms static methods have no access to data stored in specific objects. With ES6 we now have the ability to declare a static method on a parent class and have it available to their subclasses as well.
  3. Super & Extends keywords
    • The super keyword can be used in 2 ways:
      1. As a function: super can be used as a function that calls upon the parent class with the parameters passed to the sub or child class. This ensures that the sub class is in fact an instanceof the parent class.
      2. As an object: The super keyword can also be used as an object so that the child class can call the methods of the parent class explicitly.

How it started

This is how a class would be declared and modified prior to ES6

function Person(name, age){ = name
this.grade = grade

Person.prototype.greeting = function(){
return 'Hi, my name is' + + 'nice to meet you.'

Person.prototype.extraInfo = function(){
return 'I am' + this.age + 'and my favorite thing to do is...'
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If we wanted to extend these properties to a subclass, it would look like

function Child(name, age){, name, age)

Child.prototype = Object.create(Person.protoype)
Child.prototype.constructor = Child;

Child.prototype.chores = function(){
return 'My name is' + 'I am' + this.age +
'and I have to mop the floor, wash the dishes, and do the laundry'  
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How it's going

This is how class instantion and inheritance looks now

class Person {
 constructor(name, age){ = name
   this.age = age

greeting() {
  return `Hi my name is ${}, nice to meet you!

extraInfo() {
  return `I am ${this.age} and my favorite thing to do is...`

class Child extends Person {
 constructor(name, age){
    super(name, age)

chores() {
  return `My name is ${}, I am ${this.age} 
and I have to mop the floor, wash the dishes, and do the laundry`

const Mary = new Child('Mary', '7')
console.log(Amelia.greeting()) // Hi my name is Mary, nice to meet you
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see how much easier the ES6 version is to read and understand?

It's important to note that the underlying functionality hasn't changed, but the new syntax provides a nice style to classes that make it much more readable and developer friendly.

Now it's your turn

Try out the ES6 class instantiation pattern and features.
I promise you'll never turn back.

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