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Discussion on: Preact + Typescript + Parcel + Redux Zero: Rebuilding the QMENTA Front-End focusing on Performance and Minimalism.

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Albert Alises

Thank you very much Sean!! Tried to gave an overview of pretty much everything (except styling ๐Ÿ’…). The boilerplate used for the project is exactly this one:

k1r0s / bleeding-preact-starter

TypeScript ยท Preact ยท Redux-zero => frontend starter with bleeding features. Check it out!

Bleeding Frontend Starter

Preact + TypeScript + Redux-Zero + Moar..

This starter project contains many features to speedup development and have fun which is pretty handy today.


common folder contains Connect decorator for redux-zero (which is not yet included on the lib)

Powered by Webpack

Heading production env -> Polyfills, Shims & Extensions

I recommend to install core-js and import all its contents on your main file import 'core-js'

but switching Webpack for Parcel.

If you have any suggestion or idea on how to extend this stack or improve, or any question, let me know! ๐Ÿค˜