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Discussion on: The beauty of Docker for local Laravel development

_devlim profile image

Files generate in /src folder when execute artisan command inside php container is own by root,
example, running following command

docker-compose exec php php /var/www/artisan make:controller ExampleController
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will generate ExampleController.php on host machine and file is own by root.

Any idea how to avoid this?

robertocifuentes profile image
Roberto Cifuentes

I'm sorry if this is too late, but hopefully will help others, here's my workaround to solve the file owner issue, first you have to find-out whats your uid (normaly 1000):

  • in the terminal type id. The result will be something like:
$ id
uid=1000(roberto) gid=1000(roberto) grou [...]
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  • execute the php service as your uid:gid in your docker-compose.yml
    user: '1000:1000'
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